Lodging a claim

Lodging a claim can be a complicated and confusing process, and that is where we can help.

Our advocates understand the different Acts, rules and regulations, and with this knowledge we can advise and assist you to be more successful in the claims process.

Clear Advice

We will try to clearly explain the claims process, and talk you through what you may be entitled to claim.

Obtaining a Diagnosis

The starting point of your claim will to be getting a diagnosis from your medical doctors. We can provide advice so you can inform your doctor of entitlements and eligibility.


DVA requires you to provide evidence to support your claim, so that they can determine whether your condition is service related. This may include information of your service history with details about your roles and the task you performed. Our advocates can assist you in identifying the evidence that you will need to be successful in your claim.


You will have to show proof of identity. Our advocates will provide advice on what documents are acceptable to prove your identity.

Statement of Contention

When lodging a claim you will need to provide a statement that sets out the points of your claim, and says how your condition was a result of your service. It may fill in why there are gaps in medical records.

Lodge your claim

You will need to lodge your claim via My Service or in paper form.

We can help in lodging your claim and have access to the ESO Portal (Direct ESO link to DVA) ensuring that you have the correct form and are lodging under the correct Act.

At our hub we provide computer access, and assistance to sign up to My Service, lodge a claim online, and upload and copy relevant documents.

If you want to lodge a paper claim we can help you fill out the relevant forms, and collate the supporting evidence.

Already Eligible

In some cases a veteran may be eligible for funding for treatment prior to the claim being finalised. Talk to our advocates to see if you are eligible.


Once your claim is lodged the DVA will investigate your claims to gather evidence to make a determination. Through this process our advocates can liaise on your behalf and provide plain English explanations of what DVA is requesting and keep you informed of the progress of your claim

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