Lodging an appeal

If you disagree with a decision regarding your claim you have a right to have the decision reviewed, and you can lodge an appeal.

It is highly recommended that veterans seek the advice of an advocate to assist in this

Military Advocates SA Advocates are experienced and trained in assisting you in this process.

Our advocates can assist you.

a. Request a review or reconsideration

Military Advocates SA can help you liaise with DVA and on your case, and if necessary request a review of a DVA decision. This may involve collecting and providing additional information and putting forward additional arguments to support your claim.

b. Lodge an appeal with the Veterans Review Board

The Veterans Review Board is a body that was set up to independently review decisions of
DVA. The board consist of a three person panel.

You can review decisions on

  • Claims for compensation
  • Widows Pensions
  • Rates of pensions
  • Grants for attendant allowances

Our advocates are experienced in assisting members through the appeal process.
We will provide information on the process, work with you to develop your case, and
advocate for you before the Veterans Review Board.

c. Appeal to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal

The Administrative Appeals Tribunal can review a number of decisions about Veteran Entitlements. Most matters will have had to have been reviewed by the Veterans Review Board, before being referred to the Tribunal. If you have a decisions letter it will inform of your appeal rights.

Our advocates while aware of tribunal process generally suggest veterans enlist
legal representation to work with you to develop your case and represent you before the
Administrative Appeals Tribunal.

At all times we put you at the centre of the process, supporting you in your review or
appeal, and empowering you to make informed decisions based on the available

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